This Time's Prize

Today, John boy and I picked up some donuts for breakfast for us all up here in Kansas.  That is hint one for the prize to be mentioned.

I was wearing the very close you see here.  That is hint two for the prize to be mentioned.

In order to win the wonderful prize, first become a fan of the JeStoneIV Facebook page.

Second, comment below what you think the name of the donut shop we went to this morning was.

I will announce the winner in a couple to a few to several days.  

Click here to view the prize, which is also hint number three for the prize.


  1. DAYLIGHT DONUTS!!!!!! ... that's my guess at least

  2. I think Becca cheated....just saying! :)

  3. Did you see all the distracting stickers from Piknic? And, I was smiling behind the camera!

  4. ..... so i'm still waiting for the announcement of the winner.. ;)

  5. AND THE WINNER IS!!! Becca... I just have to figure out how to ship it.
