
Below you will see a nifty little toolbar.  It is awesome!  Here is what you see from left to right:

  • Online: See how many people are online and what part of the world they are from. Will be more fun as more people realize how great this blog is.
  • Facebook:  Shows the blogs Facebook fans, latest activity and lets you post the page you are on to your wall.  (The goal is one million people :), we are just shy of that.)
  • Twitter:  The blogs Twitter account. See latest posts to Twitter, including a code that will get you a free Blockbuster movie!
  • Tweet:  Let's you tweet the current page and show's how many already have.  This number will be huge in 2012, but nobody will be here to see it... or will they?
  • Facebook 2:  Shows the number of people who like the blogs Facebook page.  (See above for Facebook goal).
  • Share:  Let's you share the page you are reading, on different social things.
  • Top Pages:  See the most popular page right... now. Will be a big hit later when thousands are viewing pages of this blog all at the same time.
  • Bookmarks:  This is the best. It lets you save you own personal bookmarks of this blog on the blog. So, if you have a favorite, bookmark it, and then later when you are reading a boring post about Groupon or something, you can just click the bookmark button and look for one of your favorites to read. You can also share on Facebook that you have bookmarked a page. I've tried it, it works.
  • Youtube:  Shows my Youtube videos... both of them.
  • Random:  Will bring you to a random post. Fun for me because I have the memory of a goldfish and forget all the great posts I have done in the past.
  • Chat:  When you are logged in Facebook or Twitter, you can chat with your friends without ever leaving the blog. We shall see if I keep that one there or not. It was not as cool as I originally thought.
  • Subscribe:  You'll have to guess what that one does.
  • Latest Notification:  I add notifications ever now and then. Nothing too exciting, but you'll know when there is a new one, because you have no choice but to see it.
That's it.  Okay, there is the minimize button, but that would not be fun for anyone.