The Nocturnal Hunter

Florida Striped Scorpion
It was dark and it was early, right around 4:30 on Wednesday, June 8, 2011. My wife had been up for a little while feeding our youngest in the living room letting me continue to sleep so that I could fight this cold I have and be rested for work. I had been having trouble sleeping because of my stuffy nose, but I appreciated her effort to let me sleep.

I had been mostly asleep when I felt some kind of scratch or pinch on my ankle, my left ankle. It was nothing new, sometimes if I have been stirring the hair on my leg twists and makes it uncomfortable. So I checked my ankle and decided to go find some ibuprofen for a little headache that was developing. I walked past my dear wife and went into the kitchen. I told her I was taking some medicine for my headache, which I did, and then I went back to bed. Not more then ten seconds in bed and my night changed from not the best to stung by a scorpion. I don't remember how I got out of bed, but the blankets and sheet were at the foot of the bed and I was on the side of the bed and there was demon insect crawling across my bed and toward the edge.

My first thought was to take Benadryl in case I had some weird allergic reaction to the sting, but I couldn't find it in the time I had the patience to look for it and there was still a scorpion to deal with before my love and I could go back to sleep. So I grabbed a flashlight, turned on the light in the room and tore apart the bed. I took the mattress of, threw my pillow to the floor, lifted the sheets on the sides but could not find the night demon. Well, I had no choice (I thought) but to change the sheets and hope it had crawled betwixt the sheet and mattress. So I began by removing my wife's pillow and lo and behold there stood the miniature beast, no doubt confused as to how the large pillow which had provided it its fortitude could have been removed so easily. So it ran toward perceived safety stopping at the worst spot it could have, for seconds later it was struck from above by my rather large flashlight, ending the life once solely intended to bring glory to God.

The End

If this story has helped you to feel sorry for those mentioned in the story which is true, click here and go to Ft Myers / Cape Coral and see if there is a deal the aforementioned persons would enjoy :)


  1. Oh and yes, this did happen to Bethany one time not long ago on her hand!


  3. @Becca What kinda of critters do you have to look out for over yonder?
