Best Part of the Day

I have decided today that the best part of day during the week is somewhere between 7:30 and 8:30 at night. The time that John boy, Bethany and I sit down and do our nightly devotions and put John to bed. We just started number 12 of Truth & Grace Memory Book #1. 12! It's awesome to think of how many things a two year old can memorize.

Can you see God? No, but He always sees me.

Almost each night (sometimes we are outside to late) we read from the Bible. Then we do John's catechism. Then we sing, and pray. Then my exclusive daddy time starts. I brush his teeth, make sure he uses the restroom and then tuck him in. Pretty much every night he asks if I'll "The Lord is my Shepard I shall not want". Which I normally will. I think if he tried he could quote the whole thing. He has a King James Version by his bed, so I will usually translate it while I read. Then it's Hickory Dickery Dock and he is off to sleep.

Time flies. He went from being a pile of pajamas on the floor to going on long walks with us. So I write with a grin, a bit of being proud of my son and that's about it. Plus I haven't written anything in a while, so there ya go.

Hear, my son, your father's instruction,
and forsake not your mother's teaching


  1. John, you're making me cry. :) I so love your family, and I love the fact that you and Boofer are training John Boy to know and love God's Word. I'm praying for yall as you continue to be faithful in this way. Love and miss you all!!!

  2. You oughta ask him some random catechism questions (of the first 12) next time you Skype with him to keep him on his toes.

  3. This is so sweet...and stop making the Ascol women cry! :) Love your little family so much!! Can't wait for JB to come play at my house again so we can add catechism questions to our "reading time" - do you think he will notice, if I slip them in between "I've Been Working on the Railroad" and "The Wheels on the Bus?"

  4. Oh he'll notice, but I'm sure he won't mind.

  5. Shelley McKinleySeptember 24, 2010

    This is wonderful!! A ministry on-line...I pray many young families will see this and use your family as an example for themself.
    I love your family too and miss all of you so much.
